Health and safety
We constantly promote a culture of health, safety and well-being for all our employees and subcontractors.
dedicated support platform
total recordable case rate
safety field visits
Health and safety is a priority at ST. We protect the health and safety of employees and contractors by preventing work-related injuries and illnesses and providing a safe working environment. We believe it is essential to invest in healthcare and the well-being of our people to create a positive working environment. These values are shared and reinforced across all our sites.
We have implemented a robust health and safety management system throughout our Company. We were one of the first semiconductor companies certified OHSAS 18001 at our main manufacturing sites in 2003. This has now been replaced by ISO 45001.
ISO 45001
Our performance and management systems are evaluated annually through third-party surveillance audits, and certifications are renewed every 3 years. All sites follow our corporate occupational health and safety policy, which aims to establish and maintain best practices. In 2022, we audited nine sites through our legal compliance audit program. We also continued our internal corporate Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) audit program that aims to assess a site’s performance against EHS objectives, programs, and procedures. This year, we audited seven sites. I 3-3 I
Promoting employee health
In 2022, we carefully monitored the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and our corporate crisis team (CCT) continued to deploy protective measures. These included:
- regular communication with our employees according to the alert levels at each site
- prevention measures, such as personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer, social distancing, and working from home for eligible employees
Health and safety measures were implemented in accordance with local requirements.
We believe adopting a healthy lifestyle is the foundation for a fruitful and productive life. To support our employees, our various sites design health programs adapted to local legislation and requirements. Many sites offer regular medical check-ups. These may include blood analyses, chest x-rays, colorectal cancer immune cult tests, electrocardiograms, mammography, pap smear tests, prostate cancer screening, audiometric tests, ophthalmologic exams, and vaccinations.
Our Tours site (France) refurbished its medical center and revised its approach to healthcare assistance. The treatment room has been renovated to allow direct access from the clean room in the manufacturing area. This allows rapid treatment in the event of injury, as well as improved interaction between first aiders in the clean room and medical services. The direct exit also facilitates the removal of any workers that need to be transferred for further treatment.
In 2020, we developed our STCare program through a partnership with Eutelmed. This platform provides 24/7 access to a dedicated confidential support platform, including a network of over 130 psychologists. The service is available to employees and their families and approximately 11,000 connections have been registered since its inception.

Caroline Marquer
Deputy Director, Healthcare Risk and International Department, Eutelmed
Our partnership with ST quickly developed into a robust and transparent collaboration. It provides individual and collective support tailored to the specific psychosocial and psychological needs of its employees and their families. Proximity to regions and sites allows us to be in contact with teams all over the world, to respond to both support and training requests.”
We also offer support to our employees on site through protective and preventative actions. This includes e-learning for employees and managers, and prevention and well-being webinars and workshops. In 2022, around 5,500 employees attended awareness sessions on psychosocial risk prevention and quality of life in the workplace.
total recordable case rate
The collective efforts of our sites enabled us to achieve our best safety performance in 2022, with a recordable employee injury case rate of 0.10, better than our target of 0.14. The total recordable case rate, which includes injuries and occupational diseases, and covers employees and contractors, was 0.12, 20% lower than in 2021.
The severity rate related to employees’ and contractors’ injuries and illnesses also significantly decreased by 25% compared to 2021.
2021 |
2022 |
Total recordable case rate for employees and contractors |
0.15 |
0.12 |
Employee recordable case rate(1) – injuries I 403-9 I
Employee severity rate(1)
(1) Number of days lost per 100 employees per year as defined by OSHA-US regulation.
(2) Rate updated due to several prolongations after the closure of the previous reporting period.
Despite our efforts, we deeply regret the death of a subcontractor at our Greater Noida site (India) at the end of 2022. The subcontractor was the victim of a fatal accident while trying to move a mobile elevated working platform. We have conducted a thorough investigation to determine the reason and define additional corrective actions to prevent any recurrence.
Monitoring our performance
We are continually striving to strengthen safe behaviors and build engagement through positive reinforcement, continuous improvement and constant vigilance.
Everyone at ST is part of our shared vigilance approach and has a responsibility towards safety at work. To demonstrate a visible involvement and lead by example, managers are supported to conduct regular safety visits and inspections. In 2022, we improved our training for managers and implemented more ambitious targets for visits and internal audits. As a result, we increased the number of safety field visits by managers to 48,900, a 36% increase on the previous year.
safety field visits
We encourage the reporting and investigation of near-misses, hazards, and unsafe behavior and conditions. Due to increased visits and investigations by managers, as well as improved hazard identification, more than 39,000 potential hazards were detected and investigated in 2022.
Advancing our practices
Within our Safety First program, we constantly strive to strengthen our safety culture by reinforcing safe behaviors and working conditions through visits, training, audits, communication, and best practice sharing. This year we provided an average of 7.4 hours of training per employee on EHS topics.
Each year we organize numerous safety events across our sites which are open to all employees. In 2022 for example, our Calamba site (the Philippines) organized a week dedicated to safety and environmental awareness with a series of engaging activities. These included an emergency response team competition, free health screening, safety games and a video contest.
Our Tours site (France) also organized a safety week, with educational workshops on the theme of road hazards and driving risks, and safety games on themes such as electrical and chemical risks, and shared vigilance. There was also an escape game and risk hunting activity.
Two of our French sites, Crolles and Rousset, organized critical incident simulations that involved external emergency services. These events were designed to test the effectiveness of their site emergency response plans and aimed to challenge our capacity to manage emergencies and develop resilience.

Safety award recognition
Our corporate safety and environment awards were set up to recognize robust prevention measures, constant proactivity, and strong safety practices at our sites. The awards review each site’s performance, based on around 30 criteria. Two winners were selected in 2022. Our Shenzhen site (China) was recognized for its continuous commitment to high standards and its determination to launch initiatives that bring added value to the community. Our Catania site (Italy) received the award for its excellent safety performance results, which were above its targets.
Fabio Giubilante, Health and Safety Director at Catania, thanked all his team, adding, “this award is a result of the commitment of all our employees in Catania. We strive to constantly improve our health and safety management systems and programs, taking proactive measures and continually reinforcing our safety culture.”
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals
Our commitments and programs as described above contribute to:
SDG target 3.8 – Achieve universal health coverage, including access to quality essential healthcare services and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
SDG target 8.8 – Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.
2025 sustainability goal |
Status |
Comments |
SG3: Reach a Recordable Case Rate of 0.15% or less by 2025 (work‑related injuries and illnesses, including contractors). |
0.12% |
Annual sustainability goal |
Status |
Comments |
SG4: Maintain our Severity Rate at 2% or less each year (work-related injuries and illnesses, including contractors). |
2.40% |
Subcontractors recordable case rate (injuries) of 0.24 or less. |
0.17% |
Employee recordable case rate (injuries) of 0.14 or less. |
0.10% |
Employee severity rate ≤2.0 (injuries). |
1.80% |