EU Taxonomy

EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy Regulation

On July 12, 2020, EU Regulation 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 18, 2020 (the ‘EU Taxonomy Regulation’) entered into force. The EU Taxonomy Regulation establishes the basis for a classification system to determine which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. The EU Taxonomy Regulation is part of the EU’s overall efforts to reach the objectives of the European Green Deal, Europe’s strategy towards climate neutrality in 2050. The EU Taxonomy Regulation is designed as a transparency tool to help companies and investors make sustainable investment decisions, with the overall purpose to steer financing towards more sustainable economic activities. Pursuant to the EU Taxonomy Regulation, we are required to disclose information on how and to what extent our activities qualify as environmentally sustainable. The EU Taxonomy Regulation effective as per reporting year 2021 is relatively new legislation and includes additional reporting obligations as of financial year 2022. The EU Taxonomy Regulation is implemented in phases and will further develop over the coming years. Consequently, disclosure obligations under the EU Taxonomy Regulation will enter into force in multiple phases.

Environmental objectives

The EU Taxonomy Regulation defines overarching conditions which an economic activity must meet to be considered environmentally sustainable and focuses on six environmental objectives, being (i) climate change mitigation, (ii) climate change adaptation, (iii) the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, (iv) the transition to a circular economy, (v) pollution prevention and control and (vi) the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems. For these environmental objectives, several delegated acts will be issued containing technical screening criteria (‘Taxonomy technical screening criteria’), which specify environmental performance requirements for the economic activities to be classified as environmentally sustainable (‘EU Taxonomy Delegated Acts’).

On January 1, 2022, the EU Taxonomy Delegated Act on climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation entered into force. No delegated acts have currently entered into force for the other four environmental objectives.

Eligibility and alignment

As a non-financial undertaking we have to disclose information on our economic activities which are eligible (‘Taxonomy-eligible’) and aligned (‘Taxonomy-aligned’) under the EU Taxonomy Regulation for financial year 2022.

An economic activity can be considered Taxonomy-eligible when the economic activity is described as such in the relevant EU Taxonomy Delegated Act. To assess whether the relevant economic activity can also be considered Taxonomy-aligned, an additional evaluation must be made to identify if the overarching Taxonomy technical screening criteria are met.

Applicability of the EU Taxonomy Regulation to ST

As we are subject to an obligation to publish non-financial information pursuant to the Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013 (the Non Financial Reporting Directive, ‘NFRD’), the EU Taxonomy Regulation is applicable to us, and subsequently, we must disclose information on how and to what extent our economic activities are associated with economic activities that qualify as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

For financial year 2022 in relation to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, we hereinafter include disclosure of: (i) Taxonomy-eligible and Taxonomy-aligned economic activities, (ii) Taxonomy-eligible and Taxonomy-non-aligned economic activities, and (iii) Taxonomy non-eligible economic activities within our turnover, capital expenditure and operating expenditure.

The following disclosures pursuant to the EU Taxonomy Regulation are based on the most recent interpretations of the EU Taxonomy Regulation as published by the European Commission. Acknowledging that the EU Taxonomy Regulation is still under development and its interpretation and application is evolving, our approach to disclosure under the EU Taxonomy Regulation might consequently evolve accordingly.

Environmentally sustainable activities

Under the EU Taxonomy Regulation an economic activity is considered environmentally sustainable (‘EU Taxonomy-aligned’) if it meets the following conditions:

  1. provides a substantial contribution to one of the six abovementioned environmental objectives by complying with Taxonomy technical screening criteria;
  2. does not significantly harm any of the other environmental objectives (i.e. does not support one environmental objective at the expense of progress on another environmental objective) (‘DNSH’); and
  3. complies with internationally recognized minimum safeguards (e.g. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) (‘MSS’).

We assessed our economic activities against the EU Taxonomy Regulation classification system in various steps, amongst others: (i) identifying the economic activities relevant for the EU Taxonomy Regulation disclosure, (ii) performing a Taxonomy-eligibility assessment based on the relevant EU Taxonomy Delegated Act, and (iii) assessing Taxonomy-alignment of the economic activities. For the disclosure of Taxonomy-eligibility and Taxonomy-alignment we assessed the proportion of our turnover, capital expenditure and operating expenditure, related to environmentally sustainable activities.

Enabling economic activity

We believe that the semiconductor industry plays a key role as a strategic enabler of a low carbon society as well as to manage the transition towards carbon neutrality. As part of our value proposition, we aim at designing and manufacturing products that are power efficient and support our customers in developing technologies that have low carbon footprint. Low carbon applications such as electric mobility, renewable energies, smart cities, or smart building have been and remain strategic markets for us. We are a market leader in the design and manufacturing of power solutions and motor control enabling products, in which there are ample opportunities for short-term impact on greenhouse gas emissions. We are also a market leader in terms of ultra-low power ICs such as sensors or microcontrollers (see ST process and packaging technologies, ST products and solutions; Sustainable technology)

While some sectors contribute directly to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, we, as an intermediate product manufacturer, enable ‘the manufacturing of low-carbon technologies’, which activity is also covered by the EU Taxonomy Regulation classification system. Our activities which aim at contributing to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, are the manufacturing of electronic components that enable other sustainable economic activities and applications. The relevant EU Taxonomy Delegated Act lists economic activities that may be considered Taxonomy-eligible based on associated so-called NACE codes. For our Taxonomy-eligibility we report on NACE code 26: ‘Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products’; and NACE code 26.11: ‘Manufacture of electronic components’. NACE code 26.11 is considered relevant for the semiconductor market as confirmed in the guidance published on the interpretation of the EU Taxonomy Regulation by the European Commission in October 2022. For financial year 2022 we therefore report under section 3.6 of the EU Taxonomy Delegated Act on Manufacture of low carbon technologies.

Our EU Taxonomy-eligibility assessment

In our Taxonomy-eligibility assessment we identified all our products, which aim at contributing substantially to climate change mitigation. These products are divided into the following four product categories: (i) products that have a low carbon manufacturing footprint compared to similar products of a previous generation, (ii) products that have low power consumption or low power loss characteristics compared to similar products manufactured by us or others, (iii) products that bring an advantage to run a low greenhouse gas emission end application or (iv) products that bring an advantage to improve efficiency of high greenhouse gas emitting end applications.

With regard to climate change adaptation, we constantly assess how our products could contribute to climate change adaptation and potentially qualify under the relevant EU Taxonomy criteria. Capital expenditure related to the implementation of climate change adaptation solutions is less than 1% of our total capital expenditure as reported in Notes 7.6.11, 7.6.12 and 7.6.13 of our consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 (see Annual and semi-annual reports – STMicroelectronics NV on

EU Taxonomy reporting – Taxonomy-eligible economic activities related to climate change mitigation

Our approach towards application of the EU Taxonomy Regulation for the relevant KPIs: turnover, capital expenditure and operating expenditure for EU Taxonomy reporting purposes is reflected below.

Turnover of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities

In our Taxonomy-eligibility assessment all our product lines have been reviewed. Products falling into one of the four product categories referenced above are considered Taxonomy-eligible and we have included the relevant turnover generated from those products in the Taxonomy turnover calculation.

This assessment resulted in a turnover of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities amounting to 38% of our total revenues reported for the financial year 2022, whereby the denominator is based on our total revenues as reported on the consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2022, while the numerator is based on the total net turnover of our products considered as Taxonomy-eligible.

Capital expenditure of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities

To determine the Taxonomy-eligible portion of our capital expenditure the following has been taken into account:

  • investments in our technologies, which have been directly associated with Taxonomy-eligible product lines based on our capital expenditure plan for each technology
  • individual measures, such as investments for our carbon neutrality program or investments related to energy efficiency of our processes
  • investments related to IP or licenses or capitalized development costs, which have been classified as Taxonomy-eligible based on the relevant product line or technology, and
  • lease of buildings and equipment which have been considered as fully or partially Taxonomy-eligible

For determining the Taxonomy-eligible portion of the capital expenditure, the denominator is determined based on the 2022 additions to property, plants and equipment (including rights of use for leased assets), intangible assets (including capitalized development costs), as reported in Notes 7.6.11, 7.6.12 and 7.6.13 of our consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 (see Annual and semi-annual reports – STMicroelectronics NV on

Furthermore, the numerator is determined by capital expenditure (including IFRS 16 leases) related to assets or processes that (i) are associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, (ii) are part of a capital expenditure plan to expand Taxonomy-eligible economic activity, and (iii) are individual measures enabling economic activities to become low-carbon or to lead to greenhouse gas reduction.

This results in a capital expenditure of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities amounting to 46% of our total capital expenditure for the financial year 2022.

Operating expenditure of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities

For determining the operating expenditure of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, the denominator is determined based on R&D expenses, as reported in our consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2022, after deducting depreciation and amortization, certain expenses and overheads, which are not directly associated with the development of new products or technologies.

Furthermore, the numerator equals to the part of the operating expenditure included in the denominator that is any of the following: (a) related to assets or processes associated with Taxonomy-eligible economic activities, (b) part of the capital expenditure plan to expand Taxonomy-eligible economic activities. For the numerator, we reviewed each R&D project with the following approach:

  • each R&D project linked to a product line classified as Taxonomy-eligible resulted in Taxonomy-eligible operating expenditure
  • each R&D project linked to a technology classified as Taxonomy-eligible resulted in Taxonomy-eligible operating expenditure, and
  • for the remaining and most material R&D projects serving multiple product lines or technologies, we applied relevant allocation keys taking into account, amongst others, the abovementioned Taxonomy-eligible portion of our turnover

This assessment results in operating expenditure of Taxonomy-eligible economic activities amounting to 35% of our total operating expenditure for the financial year 2022.

EU Taxonomy Regulation reporting – Taxonomy-aligned activities related to climate change mitigation

As mentioned above, Taxonomy-alignment implies that the economic activities comply with the following three conditions:

  • providing a substantial contribution to one of the six environmental objectives by complying with the Taxonomy technical screening criteria;
  • complying with the DNSH criteria; and
  • complying with the minimum safeguards criteria.

Substantial contribution

Turnover of environmentally sustainable (Taxonomy-aligned) economic activities

To verify to what extent the turnover is aligned according to the Taxonomy technical screening criteria of the ‘Substantial contribution to climate change mitigation’ from EU Taxonomy Regulation, we apply the principles of the described activity as reflected under 3.6 ‘Manufacture of other low carbon technologies’: ‘the economic activity manufactures technologies that are aimed at and demonstrate substantial life-cycle greenhouse gas emission savings compared to the best performing alternative technology/product/solution available on the market’.

In the case of semiconductors, the greenhouse gas reduction can come from both products (supply, manufacturing, end of life) as from contributions to application impact (usage). Therefore, we have adopted a combined approach to reflect this duality. Firstly, for all our product lines classified as Taxonomy-eligible on the basis of their low power consumption characteristics or the low manufacturing footprint criteria, life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated on a representative sample basis and compared to either a previous generation of products made by us or to a similar product made by others as an external reference. As a result, certain products have been excluded from our turnover calculation. In addition, a second assessment has been performed at application level, aiming at qualifying our substantial contribution. We have considered an application classification to reflect the overall impact of the semiconductor on the electricity consumption of the application, hence its implied greenhouse gas emissions. We selected the turnover of our product lines ending in applications considered, as either low greenhouse gas emitting applications (e.g. electric vehicle) or high greenhouse gas emitting but transitional applications (e.g. data center servers), on the basis of the high impact of the semiconductor in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions during the operating lifetime of the applications.

Capital expenditure of environmentally sustainable (Taxonomy-aligned) economic activities

A similar approach as for Taxonomy-eligibility has been adopted to determine the Taxonomy-alignment of our capital expenditure and consistent with the approach defined for the Taxonomy-alignment of the turnover. Notably for the main category related to the investment in our technologies, where the investment supporting product lines aligned as per the turnover approach were included i.e. the ones bringing a key advantage to low or transitional greenhouse gas emitting end applications.

An allocation key derived from the proportion of our aligned investment was applied to building and equipment, and other capital expenditure not directly linked to a product line or a technology.

Operating expenditure of environmentally sustainable (Taxonomy-aligned) economic activities

A similar approach as for Taxonomy-eligibility has been adopted to determine the Taxonomy-alignment of operating expenditure, and consistent with the approach defined for the Taxonomy-alignment of the capital expenditure. Substantial contribution was determined by either associating the R&D project with a product line or a technology classified as Taxonomy-aligned, or by applying a relevant ratio of aligned turnover.

Do No Significant Harm (DNSH)

The second pillar of our approach to Taxonomy-alignment relates to the demonstration that our economic activity does no significant harm to the other five environmental objectives included in the EU Taxonomy Regulation:

  • climate change adaptation
  • sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources
  • pollution prevention and control regarding use and presence of chemicals
  • protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems, and
  • circular economy

For each environmental objective, we have designed templates to approach the various sub-criteria in a consistent manner across our activities. Only the pollution prevention and control regarding use and presence of chemicals’ objective resulted in the identification of product lines which were not compliant and had a direct negative impact on the Taxonomy-aligned turnover, capital expenditure and operating expenditure KPIs.

Climate change adaptation

We performed a climate risk and vulnerability assessment together with an external provider to ensure that climate projections are based on state-of-the-art science compared to two scenarios set out by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, as required under this DNSH criterion. This assessment covers all relevant ST and partner sites and features a risk analysis (projected evolution of physical risks (natural hazards)) as well as an overall vulnerability assessment (aggregated ‘peril score’ compiling the overall multi-natural-hazard exposure to future climate). The detailed results (with site specific areas of focus) were communicated to all relevant stakeholders at the sites and corporate levels. Priority sites were identified based on the peril score. These sites provided a view on existing climate change adaptation efforts based on their exposure and are currently working on a more detailed roadmap in terms of climate change adaptation (see Energy and climate change).

The outcome of this analysis confirmed our compliance with the DNSH criterion in connection with climate change adaptation.

Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources

We have completed an environmental assessment for all our manufacturing sites and main R&D centers and have a view at site and corporate levels on the risks associated with the preservation of the water quality and the prevention of water stress. As part of our environmental processes, we have actions plan in place to address the risks identified to ensure that deterioration is avoided (see Water).

All our manufacturing sites and several of our key sites of R&D are ISO 14001 certified for our environmental management system. Most manufacturing and R&D sites are EMAS certified (see Certification table in Business indicators).

The outcome of this analysis confirmed our compliance with the DNSH criterion in connection with sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources.

Pollution prevention and control regarding use and presence of chemicals

Managing chemical substances and materials used in our manufacturing sites is critical for protecting people, preserving the environment, and complying with legal and customer requirements. Accordingly, for all materials including chemicals and gases entering at any of our sites, a site chemical committee authorizes the use and evaluates the best management solutions, both for new processes and modification of existing processes. In addition, since 1996 we have defined our environment, health and safety regulated substances list detailing the substances for which use is prohibited and those for which use is restricted to selected applications only and/or is subject to strict measures (see Chemicals).

The review performed for the DNSH assessment was done at substance level in order to evaluate if our activities do not lead to the manufacture, placing on the market or use of the listed substances as reflected in the relevant DNSH criteria following from the EU Taxonomy Delegated Act. For each of the requirements following from the DNSH criteria a detailed evaluation was carried out comparing the requirements to the current situation in our manufacturing sites and subcontracted manufacturing activities. This analysis included an assessment of the codified raw materials delivered to all our sites.

If materials have been identified as containing one or more listed substances in Annex II of the RoHS Directive (Directive 2011/65/EU) and or in the Reach (Regulation 1907/2006) SVHC candidate list or Annex XVII or Annex XIV, or in Article 57 of REACH the relevant manufacturing processes or products have been identified. Associated revenues were consequently excluded as they cannot qualify for alignment, in absence of further guidance. This process was performed at product line enabling consistency with the approach taken for the turnover.

We experienced challenges in the application of the specific criteria for the exception on the basis of the concept of ‘essential use for the society’. The lack of clarity on this concept has resulted in us approaching this assessment in a conservative way to avoid that products would potentially unjustified be considered Taxonomy-aligned. As a result we have not defined nor used the concept of ‘essential use for the society’ criteria despite our role in the energy transition notably for electric vehicle components and therefore have excluded certain products from this assessment. We did include chemicals benefiting from an RoHS exemption and which chemicals are also subject to (f) and (g) of the relevant DNSH criteria following from the EU Taxonomy Delegated Act where no technical alternative exists.

The outcome of this analysis confirmed that most of our product lines are compliant with the EU Taxonomy Regulation. However, part of our turnover was excluded notably due to the use of substances of very high concern. Alternatives are constantly being further investigated in our manufacturing processes or products. This may result in adjustment of this assessment and related reporting in the future.

Consistent with the approach defined for the turnover, the investment supporting product lines not compliant with DNSH on pollution prevention were excluded from the Taxonomy-alignment of the capital expenditure and any R&D project linked to a product line not compliant as per the DNSH on pollution prevention was excluded from the Taxonomy-alignment of the operating expenditure.

Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems

We have completed an environmental assessment for all our manufacturing sites and main R&D centers. All the sites have put in place policies on the impact of their activities on the environment and maintain a system to monitor and manage such impact. In addition, we commissioned a specific study from an external provider to provide an assessment on the biodiversity and ecosystems in the areas close to our sites and operations. Fifteen sites were assessed from our front-end and back-end activities, along with three R&D and design centers. To date, several initiatives have been carried out to protect biodiversity of the areas around our sites (e.g. low mowing or insect hotels). Certain sites have defined biodiversity targets and started the evaluation of the diversity of species in their vicinity. (see Our approach to the environment).

Based on the outcome of the specific biodiversity and ecosystems study, ongoing efforts are taken at our sites to assess enhanced potential mitigation measures to further protect the environment.

The outcome of this analysis confirmed our compliance with the DNSH criterion in connection with protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Circular economy

We have deployed several actions to promote the reuse and use of secondary raw materials and reused components in manufactured products. Our recycling solution for silicon for example allows avoiding extraction and transportation of silicon. Furthermore, our scrap of silicon is valorized in a foundry where when added to aluminum it is then used in automotive, aeronautics and solar panel manufacturing.

Our waste management process prioritizes recycling over disposal, in the manufacturing process. Action plans have been defined at site level to increase the recycling rate. These actions are verified during RBA, ISO 14001 or EMAS audits. First actions have been implemented to reduce the packaging, then the remaining waste is compressed and recycled. Several initiatives are in place, for example, some of our wafers and frame packing are returned to suppliers and reused by them, or our carton waste resulting from material packaging is sent for recycling (see Waste).

Information on and traceability of substances of concern throughout the life cycle of the manufactured products are notably performed through material declaration forms. Our analysis as part of the DNSH pollution prevention also demonstrates our ability to identify the substance present in our processes or in products.

The outcome of this analysis confirmed our compliance with the DNSH criterion in connection with circular economy.

Minimum Safeguards

The last pillar of the Taxonomy-alignment assessment relates to the compliance with minimum safeguards. We have performed a detailed analysis of the following regulations: the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the principles and rights set out in the eight fundamental conventions identified in the Declaration of the International Labour Organization on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the International Bill of Human Rights. Our review also included the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Pillar of Social Rights. We expanded our analysis following the FAQ published by the European Commission in October 2022 and performed additional analysis on Corruption, Taxation and Fair competition criteria.

Our analysis was performed on our own operations based on internal audit (e.g. for taxation), procedures (e.g. corporate labor and human rights), programs (e.g. ST anticorruption program), policies (e.g. speak up policy) and our code of conduct in place. We also assessed our supply chain with a focus on subcontractors and high risk/strategic suppliers (according to the spend level, the scarcity of their product, and the availability of alternative sources) and other business relationships with a focus on our main customers which are RBA members. The analysis was performed and discussed with the relevant experts and senior level stakeholders within ST.

The outcome of this analysis confirmed our compliance with the minimum safeguards.

EU Taxonomy reporting tables

Proportion of turnover from products associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities – disclosure covering financial year 2022.

Substantial contribution

DNSH (Do no significant harm)

Economic activity


Abso­lute turnover

Propor­tion of turnover

Climate change miti­gation

Climate change adap­tation

Water and marine re­sour­ces

Cir­cular eco­nomy


Biodi­versity and eco­sys­tems

Climate change miti­gation

Climate change adap­tation

Water and marine re­sour­ces

Cir­cular eco­nomy


Biodi­versity and eco­sys­tems

Mini­mum safe­guards

Taxo­nomy-aligned propor­tion of turn­over FY22

Taxo­nomy-aligned propor­­tion of turn­over FY21

Cate­gory of activity (Ena­bling)

Cate­gory of activity (transi­tional)




















A. Taxonomy Eligible activities

A1. Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy aligned activities)

3.6 Manufacture of low carbon technologies
















Total turnover Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy aligned activities)















A2. Taxonomy eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy aligned activities)

3.6 Manufacture of low carbon technologies











Total turnover of taxonomy eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy aligned activities)










Total eligibility (A1+A2)



B. Taxonomy non-eligible activities

Turnover of taxonomy non-eligible activities






n.a = not applicable

Proportion of capital expenditure from products associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities – disclosure covering financial year 2022.

Substantial contribution

DNSH (Do no significant harm)

Economic activity


Abso­lute CapEx

Propor­tion of CapEx

Climate change miti­gation

Climate change adap­tation

Water and marine re­sour­ces

Cir­cular eco­nomy


Biodi­versity and eco­sys­tems

Climate change miti­gation

Climate change adap­tation

Water and marine re­sour­ces

Cir­cular eco­nomy


Biodi­versity and eco­sys­tems

Mini­mum safe­guards

Taxo­nomy-aligned propor­tion of CapEx FY22

Taxo­nomy-aligned propor­­tion of CapEx FY21

Cate­gory of activity (Ena­bling)

Cate­gory of activity (transi­tional)




















A. Taxonomy Eligible activities

A1. Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy aligned activities)

3.6 Manufacture of low carbon technologies
















Total CapEx Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy aligned activities)















A2. Taxonomy eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy aligned activities)

3.6 Manufacture of low carbon technologies











Total CapEx of taxonomy eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy aligned activities)










Total eligibility (A1+A2)



B. Taxonomy non-eligible activities

CapEx of taxonomy non-eligible activities






n.a = not applicable

Proportion of operating expenditure from products associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities – disclosure covering financial year 2022.

Substantial contribution

DNSH (Do no significant harm)

Economic activity


Abso­lute OpEx

Propor­tion of OpEx

Climate change miti­gation

Climate change adap­tation

Water and marine re­sour­ces

Cir­cular eco­nomy


Biodi­versity and eco­sys­tems

Climate change miti­gation

Climate change adap­tation

Water and marine re­sour­ces

Cir­cular eco­nomy


Biodi­versity and eco­sys­tems

Mini­mum safe­guards

Taxo­nomy-aligned propor­tion of OpEx FY22

Taxo­nomy-aligned propor­­tion of OpEx FY21

Cate­gory of activity (Ena­bling)

Cate­gory of activity (transi­tional)




















A. Taxonomy Eligible activities

A1. Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy aligned activities)

3.6 Manufacture of low carbon technologies
















Total OpEx Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy aligned activities)















A2. Taxonomy eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy aligned activities)

3.6 Manufacture of low carbon technologies











Total OpEx of taxonomy eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy aligned activities)










Total eligibility (A1+A2)



B. Taxonomy non-eligible activities

OpEx of taxonomy non-eligible activities






n.a = not applicable

Future developments

There is currently limited guidance published on the interpretation of various elements of the EU Taxonomy Regulation. Despite the fact that we have carefully balanced our assessment and disclosures on the EU Taxonomy Regulation, taking into account that this first reporting year for the Taxonomy-alignment is considered to be a transitionary year, this reporting may differ from future disclosures as more guidance becomes available over time. Furthermore:

  • turnover is based on best estimate to our knowledge and available data regarding our eligible and aligned products
  • capital expenditure is based on best estimate to our knowledge and possible allocation of eligible and aligned products or technologies, and
  • operating expenditure is based on best estimate to our knowledge and possible allocation of eligible and aligned products or technologies

In the coming years, we will continue to report under the EU Taxonomy Regulation regarding our Taxonomy-eligible economic activities as well as our Taxonomy-aligned economic activities. This entails a further and continuous review of our products, do no significant harm procedures and minimum safeguards assessment. Future guidance on the EU Taxonomy Regulation could result in updated definitions and other decision-making in meeting reporting obligations that may come into force notably related to the DNSH pollution prevention and control criteria or the definition of the operating expenditure. We expect that our reporting will evolve over time as more insights will be gained on how best to comply with the EU Taxonomy Regulation.