Diversity, equity and inclusion
We believe that diversity enables innovation and stakeholder engagement as well as personal and company growth.
women in our workforce
DEI overall index score
employees trained on DEI
With over 50,000 people spanning 118 nationalities and 40 countries, we are a global company working together as one team. We are convinced that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) have a positive impact on innovation and stakeholder engagement, as well as personal and Company growth.
Our diversity, equity and inclusion vision
At ST you can be the true version of yourself
Our aim is to foster an equitable and inclusive workplace where people feel supported to be their authentic selves and reach their full potential. The uniqueness of each employee is what gives ST its strength.
To help us achieve these aspirations, we accelerated our efforts towards a cultural transformation of the Company in 2022.
Changing behaviors and culture takes time. An important step on this journey is to understand where we stand today in terms of employee experience with DEI. For this reason, at the end of 2022 we conducted our first DEI focus survey to understand our progress so far in creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace.
The survey covered a range of DEI-related topics, including belonging, psychological safety, access to success, manager commitment and anti-discrimination. Our overall DEI index score (the percentage of people who replied positively to the questions) was 80%, which is three points below the GHP norm(2).
The survey results are being analyzed as part of a maturity assessment by an external firm specialized in DEI analytics and advice. The results of this assessment are expected in 2023. They will help us understand our baseline and build a unique roadmap with actionable steps and clear milestones. I 3-3 I
Attracting diversity
Reinforcing our employer branding
Diversity is an important pillar of our employer value proposition. Our ambition is to attract, recruit and retain a diverse workforce, particularly in terms of gender, age, and disability.
Recruiting more women
At the end of 2022, women represented 35% of our global workforce and 25% of our exempts(3). In an under-represented technical field, we reached our target of hiring 30% women for exempt positions for the second year in a row.
Our target for 2025 is to increase the percentage of women at all management levels to 20%. As shown in the table below, we continue making progress at executive management levels, with an increase of 30% in 2022.
women hired in exempt positions
In 2021, 12% of our executive officers were women, however, this dropped to 9% in 2022. This was due to a shortage of women in our internal talent pool to fill the promotions required to sustain the rapid growth of our Company. However, senior management is committed to continuing our efforts to ensure 30% of recruits in executive positions are women.
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Experienced managers |
16 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
20 |
Directors and senior managers |
12 |
13 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Executives (total) |
9 |
9 |
10 |
10 |
13 |
of which Senior Management(1) |
4 |
4 |
4 |
12 |
9 |
Total women in management positions |
17 |
17 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
Women on the Supervisory Board |
33 |
44 |
44 |
44 |
44 |
Attracting young talent
Our workforce is highly skilled and experienced, with staff turnover in our engineering and management population of just 7%. To continue to build our capacity for long-term success, however, we also need to attract young talent. Our STEM program, launched in 2018, continues to go from strength to strength, helping to encourage young people, particularly women, to choose technical studies at an early stage of their education, while also helping to address the shortage of women in our industry (see Community and education).
Hiring and inclusion of people with disabilities
We aim to recruit and retain a diverse workforce that reflects wider society, including people with different abilities.
In 2022, ST Shenzhen (China) launched an innovative project called ‘Devoted to Employing and Engaging the Disabled’. With a focus on improving disability inclusion in the workplace by adapting workflows and employee awareness, the project has helped to increase the number of disabled people working at the site from two people in 2021 to nine in 2022. This initiative also won first place in our ‘ONE award’ program for best local DEI initiative across our back-end manufacturing sites.
In France, we have strengthened our partnerships with providers specializing in diverse recruitment, such as Hello Handicap, Agefiph, Job in Live, GETH, FIAM, and LinkDay. As a result, ST France hired 29 people with disabilities in 2022, bringing the total to nearly 600 employees with disabilities.
As a part of European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities in November 2022, ST took part in several activities involving employees and people with disabilities. In France, ST employees shared a typical workday with an unemployed disabled counterpart, while in Italy, all the directors teamed up with sports champions with disabilities to learn about overcoming limits through the metaphor of sport. In both countries, these activities were followed up with webinars that attracted over 600 and 700 participants respectively.
Reviewing workplace flexibility
We are conscious that to attract diverse talent, we need to offer more flexible working options. In 2022, we deployed our hybrid and flexible working models across all regions. We believe that this will have a positive impact on ST employees’ experience, as well as on our employer branding and attractiveness.
Growing equity
Remuneration and career opportunities
Gender pay ratio
We value all employee contributions and have zero tolerance for any kind of discrimination. Our objective is to safeguard equity in development, career opportunities, and remuneration. Following the global rollout of our pay gap index, we recorded an overall gender pay ratio of 99.3% in 2022, averaged across job grades and normalized by country. However, as the table below shows, the ratio declined by 0.7 points, largely due to an increase in the operator pay gap. The relevant regions and organizations are working to close these gaps.
2021 |
2022 |
Operators |
95.3 |
91.2 |
Non-exempts |
100.8 |
102.6 |
Exempts |
Non-management |
99.3 |
99.1 |
Management |
96.6 |
96.8 |
Executive |
113.1 |
108.6 |
Total |
100.0 |
99.3 |
Supporting women’s career development
We are committed to strengthening the role of women in building the future of our Company. To support this, we have developed a two-step training program to prepare the next generation of female leaders.
participants in our women leadership program
The program begins with the Women in Leadership (WIL) training, targeted at junior and middle management. The training focuses on becoming a confident, authentic leader and the importance of building a network. In 2022, more than 100 women across all regions participated in 11 sessions.
Our Advanced Women in Leadership (AWIL) training, launched in 2021, is aimed at senior women managers and directors to help them identify their leadership style and become more visible and recognized within ST. It is a five-step blended learning training, including a two-day workshop, individual coaching, self-awareness, and a personal development plan. In 2022, we delivered nine sessions across all regions, training 88 women in total.
This training program plays a key role in preparing the pipeline of women for executive management positions within ST. Since the inception of WIL in 2015, we have delivered over 60 sessions, including AWIL, across all regions, with more than 600 women trained. In 2023, we are planning 20 sessions to train around 200 women. The ultimate aim is to increase the proportion of women at all levels of management.
In addition to the growing network of WIL and AWIL alumni in the Company, we are working on launching our first global women’s network in 2023, open to women and allies from all regions, organizations and job levels. The network will be aimed at addressing key topics such as career progression, work-life balance and much more, through mentoring, sharing sessions, and webinars.

Frédérique Le Grevès
Executive Vice President, Europe and France Public Affairs President and CEO, STMicroelectronics France
I believe diversity brings different perspectives, and we know that diversity plays a key role in supporting sustainable growth and fostering innovation. Keeping this in mind, at ST we are working on developing a women’s career path with a holistic approach and I see that as a priority across the Company. To add to this, we are amidst a cultural transformation with a key focus on creating an inclusive environment, free of bias and stereotypes.”
ST women have been increasingly active in the public sphere, showcasing their work, giving speeches and participating in panel discussions at a variety of high-profile events. These include the Global Women’s Forum, IEEE Women in Engineering network, Women in Science and Engineering, Women in Semiconductor and Hardware, and many more.

Reinforcing our commitment
United Nations Women Empowerment Principles (UN WEP) is a set of principles offering guidance to businesses on advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
By joining the WEP community, ST is showing its commitment to this agenda by working collaboratively in multistakeholder networks to foster business practices that empower women. These include equal pay for work of equal value, gender-responsive practices and zero tolerance against sexual harassment in the workplace.
“Signing the WEP reinforces our commitment to empowering women and fostering an equitable and inclusive workplace. In addition, it takes it one step further by extending this commitment towards building a gender-diverse and inclusive society,” said Jean-Marc Chery, President and CEO, STMicroelectronics.
In Italy, ST was listed as one of ‘Best Employers for Women 2023’ for the second year in a row by the German Quality Institute ITQF and its media partner La Repubblica Affari & Finanza based on social listening on a huge database of Italian employers.
Developing inclusion
Creating awareness
We aim to overcome stereotypes by continuously reinforcing an inclusive mindset that recognizes the value and richness of a diverse workforce.
To help us achieve this, we provide two main training courses:
- diversity and inclusion e-learning
- unconscious bias workshops
We accelerated the delivery of these courses throughout 2022, in line with our commitment to foster an inclusive culture that values everyone and addresses bias and stereotypes. In 2022, over 5,900 employees completed our diversity and inclusion e-learning course, a 60% increase on 2021.
Since launching the program in 2019, more than 13,700 employees have completed the training.
people trained on unconscious bias
In 2022, we worked on a new e-learning that encompasses a range of topics not previously addressed, such as microaggressions, inclusive communication, LGBTQ+ and allyship. The training will be launched in 2023 and available in four languages.
More than 2,000 employees from all regions where we operate participated in unconscious bias workshops in 2022. The workshop is supported by a team of more than 50 internal trainers. During these workshops, participants explore how their own unconscious bias and micro behaviors can impact their decision-making and learn how to be more attentive and mindful when interacting with others.
We also published an internal transgender inclusion guide in 2022, with information on gender transition and allyship in the workplace. In our commitment to ensuring a safe, equitable and inclusive environment for everyone, the guide explains how ST will support the journey of transitioning employees regardless of the external legal, social and community context.
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals
Our commitments and programs as described above contribute to:
SDG target 5.5 – Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.
SDG target 10.2 – By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
2025 sustainability goal |
Status |
Comments |
SG8: Reach at least 20% women in every management level by 2025. |
20% (experienced managers) |
Annual sustainability goal |
Status |
Comments |
SG7: Recruit at least 30% women in all exempt positions every year. |
30% |
Recruit at least 60% of new non-manufacturing employees with less than five years’ experience |
58% |
(2) GHP norm: Global High Performance norm, global, cross industry, benchmark made up of the 75th percentile score for any given item across all organizations surveyed by our partner.
(3) Employees who hold positions normally requiring graduate or post-graduate education and who are not eligible for overtime compensation.